Throughout the second week of class, we expanded more on the different functions of HTML. Before this class, I had never used a program like visual studio code or thought I would even learn how to code. It seemed like something that was too complex for me to pick up. However, after these first two weeks, I feel that I have a good general understanding of some of the basic functions of HTML. We learned how to perform actions such as adding paragraphs, links, images, and lists to a webpage. Through the extensions we downloaded in class I was able to see the webpage I was making live and see the changes in real time. I inserted images of two kitties in my first webpage and then linked those images to a second webpage I created. It felt satisfying to see the code I had typed out transfer over to a real working webpage, even though the page was very basic. We discussed the upcoming exercise 1 in class which involves creating an interactive hypertext narrative website. I'm very excited for this upcoming assignment, both because I have many ideas for it, and because I want to experiment with the different functions of html I've learned. I want to be able to link many different images to new webpages, creating a story that you are able to click through. I've been working on developing my personal art style more in these past couple of weeks, so I hope to include some of my own drawings in the exercise. Some aspects of HTML are still a bit confusing to me, as all the coding software is a very new experience, but I hope that it will soon come natural to me.
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The third week of class was very short in comparison to the previous weeks, as we only had one class on Wednesday. That day we learned about CSS and how to add design elements to a website. Again, because this is another aspect of coding a website that is so new to me, it all seemed kind of confusing. There are so many different things that you can do to a website to change the layout to make it specific to what you want, and there are so many short cuts and phrases to remember to help you out when designing. With more practice though, I am hopeful that soon I can design a website with ease. So far, although it can get confusing, I am having fun learning how to use visual studio code. I really enjoy seeing everything I type out come together on a webpage. During week three I had to work on both a PowerPoint presentation about the World Wide Web, and work on my hypertext project. The PowerPoint wasn't too difficult to work on, as my group's topic was pretty broad, covering the history and beginning of the internet. The readings we had to do to get the information on the topic were pretty interesting, and I learned some new things about the beginnings of the internet I didn't know before. Working on my hypertext project, however, was a bit more difficult than working on the PowerPoint. It took me a bit to get the project started because I didn't fully remember how to begin a new project on visual studio code. Once I did get it started, though, I got into a nice flow putting down what I needed to code for my project. It took me a while to fully complete mine because I decided to draw my own images for my concept, but I am very happy with how the project turned out. Some points got complicated, as the number of pages I needed to link to kept increasing, but I am very satisfied with the end result.
This past week we took a look at how to style our webpages with CSS. As with HTML, I had never heard of CSS before this class. The demonstrations in class helped me gain a basic understanding of how to use CSS, however there are so many things you can do that it feels a bit overwhelming. Especially because I have very limited experience in programming in general, sometimes the tutorials in class and online are a bit confusing. For me, CSS is more frustrating than HTML, so I definitely need more practice experimenting with it. This weekend I tried to start working on my 5 variations project, but for some reason I couldn't get the CSS elements I was inputting to show up on the webpage. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with it, but I'll figure it out soon. Programming so far, although only at a very basic level, has been fun and satisfying, so I hope CSS won't continue to frustrate me. I have a lot of ideas for the different ways I can make my five variations look, so I hope to be able to put what I'm thinking into a webpage successfully. In addition to learning about CSS, my group presented our presentation about the World Wide Web. The presentation and discussion around the topic went well, and I feel like I learned a lot about the internet. I haven't presented a PowerPoint in a while, so I was a bit nervous about it, but after we got into the flow of the presentation it felt okay.
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At the start of the fifth week, our second exercise, five variations, was due. Because I had some trouble getting the CSS on my project to work, I spent a lot of time over the previous weekend getting the project ready for class. It was fun experimenting with the different aspects of CSS, and discovering what I can do with a webpage. I tried to include a diverse range of styles to my five webpages, making each of them look unique and different. Overall, I was decently proud of how my webpages turned out, however there is still a lot I have to learn with CSS. In class, we went through everyone's five variations project which I really enjoyed. I got to see all the ways people experimented with CSS, which gave me some ideas for what I might want to do in the future. I'm looking forward to our next website project, andI hope I can create something I will be very proud of. In the future, as well, I would like to continue using the coding skills I learned in this class to make webpages for personal and artistic use. This week, we also had our second group discussion on interfaces. This discussion was particularly interesting to me because I don't have a lot of prior knowledge on interfaces and the history around them. I had read the article "What Screens Want", and it was interesting to see and think about the way interfaces have developed over the years. I had never really thought about how to improve interfaces or why they are the way they are, so I enjoyed hearing what people had to say about this topic.
This past week, week 7 of the class, we began to think about and create a simple structure for our main website portfolio project. Using HTML and some simple CSS we were able to create a navigation bar to access different pages for our websites. We also learned different ways to style images, specifically how to get an image to change its size with the size of the page. Next week our project proposals are due, so I have been working on my idea throughout the week. My main idea is to create an underwater inspired page, where the fish is your cursor as you travel through the different pages. I have a few different websites I want to use for inspiration, but the elements I want to use from them seem pretty complex. I really hope that I will be able to create all the ideas for the website I have planned in my proposal. There are still a lot of elements of CSS and HTML that I'm not the best at using, but with the next weeks of class I think I'll be able to figure out how to create the website I want. This week on Friday we had another group discussion, this one being about online identities. It was interesting to hear about the way these identities play a role in politics, and how online identities can create both good and bad spaces on the internet. I enjoy how we have the discussions one class day out of the week as a way to switch up how we spend class time.
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Week 9 we went over some more important elements that we might want to use in our website portfolio project, such as parallax and on scroll events. My personal project involves creating an underwater/ocean theme portfolio website, and I can see myself utilizing parallax for the movement of the underwater creates, and possibly on scroll events as well. Some of the specific movements and interactive elements I want to use in my website I won't be able to do right away, as I need to learn Java script to incorporate them, however I'm still excited for the outcome of the first version of the webpage. I really want to be able to create an exciting and aesthetically pleasing page for the viewer to visit, as well as one that isn't too complicated to navigate. In class we were given time to start working on the base structure on our websites, however this was kind of hard for me at first. I wasn't sure where to start because there are so many elements to even just the first landing page of my website, but I was able to break the elements down from top to bottom and find a good place to start. I haven't had a lot of time so far to work on the website because I've been so busy with other due dates, but I hope to get a lot of work done on the website in the next few weeks as my workload dies down a bit in my other classes.
This past week was a shorter week due to the fact that we didn't have class on Friday because of Veteran's Day. On that Monday we finished up our last of the critiques for project one. For that project we had to start making a homepage for our final project websites. For mine I ended up creating a rough layout for all of the pages I wanted to include, but I still might want to add an about me page to include some fun information about myself. After seeing my other classmates work, I have some more ideas about what I could put on the page. So many people had such creative and fun designs I'm excited to see everyone's finished products. I'm really hoping that my finished product will look like the plan I had sketched out, or at the very least really close to it. I'm still unsure how to add the animations I want to add but we'll probably learn about it soon. After finishing the critiques, we went into learning about P5.js. Just like everything else we've done in this class so far it seems a bit complicated and confusing to me but with practice I'm sure I can figure it out okay. We have an exercise due this Wednesday to practice drawing shapes with P5.js. I haven't had the time yet over the weekend to look into it yet, but I hope to work on it throughout Monday and Tuesday. From what we've seen so far in class P5.js looks like it can do some pretty cool things for a website so I'm excited to start experimenting with it.
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This past week we took a look again at P5.js and the different things we can do with it. We also got a workday in class to work on our projects for exercise 4, drawing with code. I hadn't had time to start the exercise until that workday, so I tried to experiment and get a lot done during the class time. I messed around with this one rotation feature, which made it look like any shape was moving around in a 3D space. It looked very cool, but I didn't end up using it in my final exercise. Making the shape move in that way changed the coding of the background which messed up some of the other shapes I had already put on my canvas. P5.js is still a bit confusing to me, and while I was at home working on the exercise I kept running into problems. Whenever I tried to add in more of the math category functions all my previous shapes would disappear, and I'm not sure why. I definitely need to practice experimenting with P5.js a bit more to get the hang of it. Before our last class on that Friday, I had gone to the Art Career Expo in the union to help make connections in the field and look for a potential internship. I had to go before Internet Art because otherwise it would collide with the class time, and I needed to go to the critique that day to see what other people did for their exercises. Seeing everyone's little projects for the exercise was really helpful for me to see what we can do with P5.js, and it gave me some ideas for what I might want to include in my final website.
For this last week I spent a lot of time focusing on adding the finishing touches to my portfolio website. Before this week I had made the base outline for the website, but it was missing a lot of the moving elements that I wanted to include, as well as some of the small fish details. We had learned how to create moving elements with p5.js, so I spent time this week getting the fish and shark in the exercises page to move. It was kind of difficult to get the one large orange fish to move because rather than just moving left to right, the fish needed to move diagonally to the right because of the angle of the GIF. Luckily, with some help, I was able to get the fish to move and look alright. I was also able to get the cursor to look like a fish, which was an aspect of my original design I really wanted to incorporate. I think it adds a fun, interactive element that lets the user make the fish cursor look like it's swimming around the website. Overall, I feel like my website turned out looking pretty similar to my original concept. The underwater fish theme translated well from my drawings to my website, however I wasn't able to do the fish animation I had planned in the beginning, due to time constraints. In the future, I might try to add more to the website so I can put every element I wanted to.
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